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On Years Three and Four Reading Challenge. On Years Three and Four Reading Challenge. On Reception Nativity at Zion Methodist Church. On Reception Nativity at Zion Methodist Church. On Reception Nativity at Zion Methodist Church. We are greatly looking forward to her visit.
A big well done to Umair who is my star of the week. He has been working very hard on his three times tables and all the effort and hard work showing. Keep up the super work Umair! January 10, 2017. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and I wish you all the very best for 2017! December 8, 2016. A big well done .
Tag Rugby For Year Four. Tag Rugby For Year Four. Mr Burrows, a part time teaching assistant here who also plays for Oldham R. has kindly volunteered to run an after school tag rugby club for Year Four, Five and Six pupils on Mondays, in our school hall starting from 16th January, 3. 15 pm The club is free of charge. Any parents who would like their child to join in should contact Mrs.
The Year 4 children were treated to an extra special lesson today. Roger Lawrence came in to lead a taekwondo lesson with the children. They learnt joy to complete kicks and punches and really enjoyed this activity. The children listened really carefully to the techniques and practised these in a safe manner. Mr Burrows, a p.
Family photographs for science lesson. Family photographs for science lesson. Next week we are looking at inheritance in our science lesson. We will be looking at what characteristics children may have inherited from their parents. Please send in a selection of family photos. I will colour copy them and return on the same day.