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Your pumpkin muffins raised over 15 for this years poppy appeal! Also thanks to Bailey, for providing the beautiful big pumpkin. Your poppy shortbread biscuits raised over 15 for this years poppy appeal! Subscribe to Blog via Email. List of typing skills sites.
6MJ Allerton CE Primary, Leeds. Well done Year 6 for putting on aprons and gloves and going out into the community to pick up litter. The streets around our school are certainly looking cleaner now and we will definitely think twice about dropping any litter after having to pick it all up! Keep Calm and Survive SATs. If you are worried then Benedek and Zac are here to offer reassurance, guidance and confidence.
Fair Trade at Allerton CE Primary. Helping to make a fairer world. Also a few photos from the Fairtrade Café which was a great success! Fairtrade Cafe and Cake Competition.
Year 2 have completed their animals and now they have all joined together in one carival finale. Today we animated fish in the aquarium inspired by the music of Camille Saints-Saens. Jake, Leon, Maddie and Brikena.
We have had a lot of fun and enjoyed celebrating some of your achievements this week. Well done to everybody for taking part in Sports Day with such a great attitude. We are particularly proud of our new high jump champion, Josiah, who even beat the children in Year 5 and 6. Harley has shown a fantas.
Blogging away with Year 3. The final 100 Word Challenge. Now that really is wet! All you need to do is visit the 100WC. I cannot believe it is October already! Where is the time going? .
The final 100 Word Challenge. Now that really is wet! All you need to do is visit the 100WC. You are all the Star for this week. Mrs Carter and Mr Moore.
Exploring learning with Allerton CE Primary Reception class. Do please visit to see and comment on our learning together. For the next 4 weeks we are in our new classroom in KS2. The builders are knocking a wall down and wanted us to move out very quickly.
Allerton CE Primary, Year 1. News from ACE Year 1. We have been working hard to learn our songs for the Christmas play. We have started to learn our lines. Please help us to do this at the weekend. We have been making Rangoli patterns. Harvey managed to make a symmetrical Rangoli pattern.
As part of our Remembrance, each class made a poppy. Nursery brought theirs to share. I think it is beautiful and shows real care and thought. It is on display, with the other class poppies, in the entrance. Year 1 have been sorting. I was delighted to share some Science learning with Sophia and Saad. They were very articulate in explaining why they had sorted these materials, in to the categories they had.
鍥藉姟闄 叧浜庡彇娑堝拰璋冩暣涓 鎵硅 鏀垮 鎵归 鐩 瓑浜嬮 鐨勫喅瀹? 鍥藉姟闄 叧浜庡彇娑堝拰涓嬫斁涓 鎵硅 鏀垮 鎵归 鐩 殑鍐冲畾. 骞夸笢鍗楄溅杞ㄩ亾浜ら 氳溅杈嗕慨閫犲熀鍦板缓璁鹃 鐩 嫑鏍? 姹熻嫃鏂版捣鍙戠數鏈夐檺鍏 徃涓绘満銆佽 璁 佹柦宸ユ嫑鏍? 鍗楁槍缁垮湴涓 ぎ骞垮満鍙屽瓙鏄熷ぇ鍘 鐩 嫑鏍? 姹熻嫃鏈夌嚎涓夌綉铻嶅悎鏋 航涓 績椤圭洰鐜板満鍔炲叕鐢ㄦ埧宸ョ 寤舵湡鍏 憡. 涓 浗閾惰 鍗椾含姹熷畞鏀 閲戣瀺浜у搧鐮斿彂鍒朵綔涓 績椤圭洰鍥 灄鏅 璁捐. 鍗椾含姹借溅闆嗗洟鏈夐檺鍏 徃AP13鍖呰竟鍘嬫満鎹 ā鏈烘瀯鏀归 犻 鐩 嫑鏍囧叕鍛? 鑺滅敵绾匡紙楂樻骇娈碉級鑸 亾鏁存不宸ョ 锛堝崡娓 タ妗ワ綖钂嬪簵妗ユ 锛夎埅閬撴柦.
Qui mesurent presque 50 cm de hauteur et pèsent .