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Fuel For School Market Stall. 2 Year Old Nursery Blog. 3-4 Year Old Nursery Blog.
Fair Trade at Allerton CE Primary. Helping to make a fairer world. Also a few photos from the Fairtrade Café which was a great success! Fairtrade Cafe and Cake Competition.
Year 2 have completed their animals and now they have all joined together in one carival finale. Today we animated fish in the aquarium inspired by the music of Camille Saints-Saens. Jake, Leon, Maddie and Brikena.
Blogging away with Year 3. The final 100 Word Challenge. Now that really is wet! All you need to do is visit the 100WC. I cannot believe it is October already! Where is the time going? .
The final 100 Word Challenge. Now that really is wet! All you need to do is visit the 100WC. You are all the Star for this week. Mrs Carter and Mr Moore.
Exploring learning with Allerton CE Primary Reception class. Do please visit to see and comment on our learning together. For the next 4 weeks we are in our new classroom in KS2. The builders are knocking a wall down and wanted us to move out very quickly.
Allerton CE Primary, Year 1. News from ACE Year 1. We have been working hard to learn our songs for the Christmas play. We have started to learn our lines. Please help us to do this at the weekend. We have been making Rangoli patterns. Harvey managed to make a symmetrical Rangoli pattern.
Blogging the blog with Year 2. We had to do something! .
What a fantastic week we have had. Every day has been jam packed with exciting, hands on learning taking place. See the photos below to skill the skills being used.
The Tardis has now fully materialised outside Yr 3H. The lettering at the top and the decoration inside were last to appear. Oscar discovered how to activate the Dalek head! It now talks and threatens to EXTERMINATE US ALL! SPECIAL TECHNICAL ADVISOR Zorawar.
Our star of the week this week is Mya. She gas made such a super effort in her learning over.
This week we have been getting all our last assessments done, reports written and targets set but have been ploughing on working hard to understand the features of a newspaper report and write some catchy slogans.